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Nurse sold patients' embarrassing erectile dysfunction info for Amazon voucher
Liverpool Echo.Now he has been suspended from practicing as a nurse anywhere else in the UK for six months, after an investigation by regulator the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).The NMC requested that he be struck off permanently, but an independent disciplinary panel decided to give him another chance based on character references describing Samas as a "brilliant nurse" and the fact that no patients were harmed.According to a written summary of the decision, the panel found that Samas had deliberately covered up the arrangement from his bosses at the trust as he "knew it was wrong".Samas claimed he wanted to "make a difference" and "improve patient's lives" by aiding research into a prostate cancer drug and treatment for erectile dysfunction.However the panel, consisting of David Evans, Kim Bezzant and Kevin Connelly, wrote: "[The panel] noted that you had clearly supplied your bank details in an email to the company, had received monies from it and had attempted to redeem an Amazon gift voucher from them."You could have declined these financial benefits or, alternatively, given them to the Trust."It noted your admission that you had kept the money for your own personal use."The panel decided that you knew you were going to be paid, based on the clear audit trail of the emails between yourself and the Company, and that you had not declared this to management as you knew it was wrong."The panel members described Samas's evidence as "contradictory" and said he had made statements "that were untrue", including that he had donated the money to a hospice when he later admitted he kept it for himself.In his evidence, Samas claimed he had asked his patients verbally for consent to share their information.However the