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Putin uses deadly hypersonic missiles for first time ever as Ukraine war takes dark turn
Ukraine for the first time ever, as the conflict in Ukraine takes a dark turn.The Russian military says it used the Kinzhal hypersonic missile to destroy an underground ammunition depot in Delyatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, according to local news outlet Zvezda.Details about the operation remain scarce, but Russia has previously bragged about its hypersonic weapons arsenal.Missiles such as the 3M22 Zircon are said to be so fast and able to fly so low that they evade traditional anti-missile defence systems.Such weapons are believed to have a range of around 1,000 kilometres, reports.TV Zvezda - a channel owned by the Russian defence ministry - said of footage of a similar missile last week: “The Russian Zircon hypersonic missile's stealth features have been disclosed…“The speed of the Zircon hypersonic missile is so high that it prevents the opponent's air defence system from detecting its impact in time.“In fact, its launch will be known only after the target has been hit.”The missile also has “variable trajectory” to avoid detection, viewers were told.“No one will see the missile launch or its flight. They will only see when the missile hits the target,” said the frigate’s commander, first rank captain Igor Krokhmal.The Kremlin had previously branded the deadly weapon, which carries a conventional or nuclear warhead, “unstoppable”.In the early hours of 24 February Putin warned of “consequences that you have never faced in your history”, perhaps touting the use of such extreme weaponry.
RAF adds three deadly 'beast mode' F-35 fighter bombers as Ukraine tension rises
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has renewed calls for NATO to establish a no-fly zone in the face of the continuing Russian invasion, a flight of three cutting-edge F-35B Lightning stealth fighters has been spotted moving into RAF Marham in Norfolk.The fearsome war machines have a split personality. They can operate in a stealth configuration, holding bombs and missiles on the four weapons stations in its twin internal weapons bays.This maintains the aircraft’s low radar observability by keeping the bulky ordinance inside the plane’s radar-absorbent skin.But when stealth isn’t an issue, the F-35B can be configured into “beast mode,” with a staggering amount of ordinance mounted on its external weapons pylons.The two outboard weapon stations each can carry ordnance up to 1,500 lb (680 kg), allowing a Lightning in “beast mode” to carry precision ordinance such as the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), Paveway bombs, or the Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW).The advanced fighter-bomber is ideally suited to carrier operations or forward operating bases, requiring a comparatively short 450-foot runway.The F-35B is a shade chubbier than the previous A-variant because it also incorporates a vertical takeoff and landing [VTOL] capability – something the RAF has lacked since the last Hawker Harriers were taken out of service a decade ago.The Lightning has a top speed of Mach 1.6 (over 1220mph) even with a full internal payload.