The Marvel Cinematic Universe has revolved around a core group of character for years now. However, Disney’s CEO Bob Iger is suggesting that will change in the coming years.
He opened up about the future of the MCU during a meeting at Morgan Stanley’s 2023 Technology Media and Telecom Conference on Thursday (March 9).
In it, he hinted at a change to the lineup of heroes that will be suiting up to save the day, suggesting that fans would be seeing less of the same characters. Read more about Bob Iger’s plans for the future of the MCU… “Marvel — there were 7,000 characters, there are a lot more stories to tell,” Bob said, according to IndieWire. “What we have to look at at Marvel is not necessarily the volume of Marvel storytelling, but how many times we go back to the well on certain characters.” He continued, noting that “Sequels typically work well for us.” However, “Do you need a third or a fourth, or is it time to turn to other characters?” “There’s nothing in any way inherently off in terms of the Marvel brand.
I think we just have to look at what characters or stories we’re mining. And if you look at the trajectory of Marvel over the next five years, you’re going to see a lot of newness.