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Sex Pistols and Frank Carter announce extra London ‘Never Mind The Bollocks’ show

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Sex Pistols and Frank Carter have added an extra show to their run of gigs at London’s Bush Hall in August.It was announced earlier this week that Carter would be joining Glen Matlock, Paul Cook and Steve Jones to play ‘Never Mind The Bollocks’ in its entirety to raise funds for the Shepherd’s Bush venue.After the dates on August 13 and 14 sold out, they have now added a third show on August 15.

Any remaining tickets are available here.Speaking about the shows, Cook said via a press release: “We’re doing a benefit for Bush Hall with the famous Frank Carter.

We’re going to be playing Pistols numbers cause they need support and they need the money. We thought it would be a great way to stop it going under.

This is my local venue. I grew up in Shepherd’s Bush and I still live round here. It would be a real shame to see it disappear and we want to keep it going.

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