Mystery Science Theater 3000” is returning for a 13th season, this time on a new indie streaming platform, Gizmoplex. Created by Joel Hodgson in 1988, the cult show “MST3K” follows a series of ordinary humans captured by mad scientists who subject them to a series of terrible B-movies.
To keep their sanity, the humans create a series of companion robots to riff on the films they watch, which are presented on the show in their entirety. “MST3K” has gone through several iterations, initially airing on KTMA-TV Minneapolis, then on Comedy Central and the Sci-Fi channel, for a total of 10 seasons.
It was revived for a two season run on Netflix in 2017. The show has been highly acclaimed since its creation, winning a Peabody in 1993, and has helped turn seberal obscure movies into cult classics, such as “Manos: The Hands of Fate.” The new revival of “MST3K” will air completely independently, following two successful Kickstarter campaigns, on the Gizmoplex app.
The platform will be available through a website and apps, and contain new episodes and shorts of the show, and will host livestreams and special events throughout the season.