Chris Willman Senior Music Writer and Chief Music Critic At times, the three-part harmonic convergence of Brandi Carlile with longtime bandmates Phil and Tim Hanseroth has felt so much like blood harmony that you could fool yourself into thinking you’re hearing triplets.
Of course, it’s been a case of identical twins +1, but now fans of their band are getting a chance to hear what the brothers sound like on their own, after 25 years of constant collaboration, via “Vera,” the official recorded debut of the Hanseroth Twins, on which Carlile served as executive producer The Hanseroths and Carlile sat down with Variety in the green room of the Grammy Museum before they made an appearance there earlier this week, to discuss the recently Elektra release and what they’ve learned about one another from working apart as well as together.
On stage later in the evening, Carlile served as moderator for a conversation before sitting down to watch the brothers regale the crowd at the Grammy Museum’s theater with an acoustic performance.
Stories were shared about how, when she first met them, the twins were in a band that had a never-fulfilled record contract of their own, with Interscope, before fate decreed that that deal needed to stall so they come together more fatefully a trio with Brandi.