the late queen Elizabeth Ii II (Ii): Last News


Frogmore Cottage sits empty as Prince Andrew refuses to downsize into Harry, Meghan’s old home amid $2.8M revamp

told the Daily Mail.The property sits vacant because King Charles’ scandal-scarred brother, Prince Andrew, refuses to move into the residence, which is considerably smaller than his current abode.The Duke of York, 64, has lived at the $38 million Royal Lodge, located on the grounds of Windsor Castle, since 2004 after he signed a 75-year lease agreement the year prior.The disgraced scion of the late Queen Elizabeth, who was named in January’s Jeffrey Epstein document dump, has been on the brink of eviction from the plush royal digs ever since his friendship with the late pedophile financier came to light in 2019.He has reportedly been neglecting payments to maintain the Grade II listed property — which requires an annual $503,000 per year for upkeep.The Royal Lodge previously belonged to the Queen Mother until she died in 2002.

All news where the late queen Elizabeth Ii II (Ii) is mentioned
Princess Anne likely to miss royal duties for weeks: It’s going to have a ‘big impact on her’
following a horse-related incident.Anne, The Princess Royal, was rushed to the hospital over the weekend after sustaining wounds to the head at the Gatcombe Park estate.As she remains under the watchful eye of doctors and nurses, King Charles’ former royal butler Grant Harrold says her absence will have a “big impact on her.”“Anne could be out of royal duties for the next few days or even weeks,” Harrold exclusively told The Post.“As one of the hardest-working members of the Royal family, it’s going to have a big impact on her.”The Princess Royal, 73, is said to have been injured by a horse during a stroll on the grounds of the royal residence Sunday evening.“This incident will probably make Anne even more determined to ensure it doesn’t happen again,” Harrold added.Princess Anne’s husband, Sir Timothy Laurence, as well as her daughter Zara Tindall and son Peter Phillips, were all on the estate at the time of the incident.Other senior members of the royal family were notified of Anne’s injuries on Sunday night.“I know she will want to recover quickly so she can get back to her royal duties,” Harrold said of the Princess on behalf of Slingo. “She’s somebody who wants to get on with what she’s expected to do.”Anne — the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip’s only daughter — has pulled the plug on all of her official duties slated for this week, including a State Visit, and a trip to Canada.“On doctors’ advice, Her Royal Highness’s engagements for the week ahead will be postponed.
Prince Harry searching for a UK home as his friends are not visiting over ‘rifts’ with Meghan Markle: report
something he’s been doing since last year.After being evicted from Frogmore Cottage in June 2023, Harry and Meghan have not had a permanent place to stay on his home soil.According to royal commentator and expert Tom Quinn, the father of two is “sad” that he no longer has a British address to his name.“As time goes by, Harry misses some aspects of his old life in the UK,” Quinn told The Mirror.“Inevitably, the honeymoon period where everything in the States is new and exciting is coming to an end and Harry is looking back at the past through rose-tinted spectacles.”Quinn added that Harry misses his schoolmates and army friends, “many of whom have not visited as they don’t get on with Meghan.”“Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, which is partly why he’s continuing his legal action to get the British taxpayer to pay for his security,” he added, referring to London High Court’s decision to strip the Sussexes of taxpayer-funded UK security protection.The Post has reached out to reps for the Sussexes for comment.Earlier this year, Harry was ordered to pay 90% of the UK Home Office’s legal costs for defending the court’s initial ruling.In February, Sir Peter Lane, the judge of the High Court, ruled that there was no unlawfulness in stripping Harry and Meghan of their security in Feb.