King Charles Iii: Last News


Prince William breaks King Charles’ 30-year tradition by not revealing what he paid in taxes

assumed the throne in Sept. 2022.In addition to the tax-exempt estate, the father of three was given the Duke of Cornwall title.But William took a different approach from his father when it came to disclosing finances to the general public, as the prince declined to disclose how much he paid in taxes in his first full year as next in line to the throne.It’s understood that William paid a standard UK tax rate unspecified household expenses were deducted from the bill.However, he did not publicize the amount.This is a stark contrast to his father, who voluntarily began disclosing how much tax he paid each year since 1993, Hello! reported.Before handing over the estate’s reins to William, Charles shared that he paid more than $6.4 million in taxes from the Duchy of Cornwall for the year ending in 2021 and $7.5 million the following fiscal year, The Telegraph reported.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle put UK house hunt on hold over security fears: report
their rumored UK house hunt on hold while they continue to figure out their security situation, according to a report.The Duke of Sussex, 39, was reportedly eyeing properties across the pond where he and his wife, Meghan Markle, could keep for visiting instead of having to check into hotels each time.But it seems as though his search for a UK abode has been put on the back burner for the time being over mounting security concerns for his family.“Harry really does want to spend more time in the UK but doesn’t feel comfortable doing that until the security issues have been ironed out,” a source told the Express.“He and Meghan planned on looking for a part-time home near Windsor this year and hoped that the appeals process would be heard before the end of July so that they could properly start their search. However, the court process seems to be taking its time.”After being evicted from Frogmore Cottage in June 2023, Harry and Meghan have not had a permanent place to stay on his home soil.Harry was reportedly keen to have a London base he could keep returning to instead of checking into hotels — something he’s been doing since last year.Earlier this year, London High Court’s ruled to strip the Sussexes of taxpayer-funded UK security protection.Harry was ordered to pay 90% of the UK Home Office’s legal costs for defending the court’s initial ruling.In February, Sir Peter Lane, the judge of the High Court, ruled that there was no unlawfulness in stripping Harry and Meghan of their security in Feb.