During an episode of Antiques Roadshow, originally aired in 2000, expert Hugh Scully was left almost speechless. While at the Victoria and Albert Museum, he encountered a woman who brought in a piece of artwork that he described as "museum quality".
Hugh was astounded by the exceptional quality and technical prowess of the artist behind the painting. He commented: "It is fantastic quality, it really is.
Just look at the way he has handled the whole light in this market scene.The way the light comes off the candle and illuminates her face, it's the most brilliant piece of work." Intrigued about the painting's history, he asked if it had been passed down through her family, reports the Express.
She responded: "It was in my husband's family, I think his father brought it many years ago." The woman revealed that her father-in-law used to work in the fish market, following his own father's career path.
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