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Who is the ‘Lucy’ name-checked on Taylor Swift’s ‘Tortured Poet’s Department’

Taylor Swift has name-dropped a person called ‘Lucy’ in her latest album ‘The Tortured Poets Department’, and fans have begun speculating who it could be.The star’s 11th studio album arrived today (April 19) and earlier this morning Swift announced that it is, in fact, a double album and shared the remaining tracks.Since its release, fans have taken to social media to suggest that the record is about her six-year relationship with actor Joe Alwyn, as well as her brief romance with The 1975‘s frontman Matty Healy.However, it is during the second song of the album – the title track – that one line in particular has caught the attention of fans, as the pop icon goes on to refer to a person called ‘Lucy’.In the song, Swift criticises her partner’s “self-sabotaging” behaviour, and makes reference to him “coming undone” – a line which some fans are convinced is about Healy and his infamous string of controversies.In the track, Swift goes on to recall how the lover in question once told “Lucy” that he would take his own life if Swift left him.“Sometimes I wonder if you’re gonna screw this up with me, but you told Lucy you’d kill yourself if I ever leave,” she sings, also adding: “And I had said that to Jack about you so I felt seen, everyone we know understands why it’s meant to be, because we’re crazy.” In the latter, fans speculate that the reference to ‘Jack’ may be a nod to Jack Antonoff, who is Swift’s longtime collaborator and producer of the album.Ultimately, fans seem convinced that the ‘Lucy’ referenced in the title track is Lucy Dacus – a third of the Grammy-winning group boygenius and someone who has connections to both Swift and Healy.Dacus had a friendship with Healy for years, as did boygenius bandmate Phoebe

Taylor Swift, it’s time to ‘shake off’ your feud with Kim Kardashian

outdid herself on this latest endeavor. But why does she insist on undoing any emotional growth she’s gained by bringing up an old feud from nearly 10 years ago?Before I dive in to this analysis of the singer’s need to move on, I feel compelled to be clear: I absolutely adore her music.

Who is the ‘Lucy’ name-checked on Taylor Swift’s ‘Tortured Poet’s Department’

Taylor Swift has name-dropped a person called ‘Lucy’ in her latest album ‘The Tortured Poets Department’, and fans have begun speculating who it could be.The star’s 11th studio album arrived today (April 19) and earlier this morning Swift announced that it is, in fact, a double album and shared the remaining tracks.Since its release, fans have taken to social media to suggest that the record is about her six-year relationship with actor Joe Alwyn, as well as her brief romance with The 1975‘s frontman Matty Healy.However, it is during the second song of the album – the title track – that one line in particular has caught the attention of fans, as the pop icon goes on to refer to a person called ‘Lucy’.In the song, Swift criticises her partner’s “self-sabotaging” behaviour, and makes reference to him “coming undone” – a line which some fans are convinced is about Healy and his infamous string of controversies.In the track, Swift goes on to recall how the lover in question once told “Lucy” that he would take his own life if Swift left him.“Sometimes I wonder if you’re gonna screw this up with me, but you told Lucy you’d kill yourself if I ever leave,” she sings, also adding: “And I had said that to Jack about you so I felt seen, everyone we know understands why it’s meant to be, because we’re crazy.” In the latter, fans speculate that the reference to ‘Jack’ may be a nod to Jack Antonoff, who is Swift’s longtime collaborator and producer of the album.Ultimately, fans seem convinced that the ‘Lucy’ referenced in the title track is Lucy Dacus – a third of the Grammy-winning group boygenius and someone who has connections to both Swift and Healy.Dacus had a friendship with Healy for years, as did boygenius bandmate Phoebe

Who is the ‘Lucy’ name-checked on Taylor Swift’s ‘Tortured Poet’s Department’

Taylor Swift has name-dropped a person called ‘Lucy’ in her latest album ‘The Tortured Poets Department’, and fans have begun speculating who it could be.The star’s 11th studio album arrived today (April 19) and earlier this morning Swift announced that it is, in fact, a double album and shared the remaining tracks.Since its release, fans have taken to social media to suggest that the record is about her six-year relationship with actor Joe Alwyn, as well as her brief romance with The 1975‘s frontman Matty Healy.However, it is during the second song of the album – the title track – that one line in particular has caught the attention of fans, as the pop icon goes on to refer to a person called ‘Lucy’.In the song, Swift criticises her partner’s “self-sabotaging” behaviour, and makes reference to him “coming undone” – a line which some fans are convinced is about Healy and his infamous string of controversies.In the track, Swift goes on to recall how the lover in question once told “Lucy” that he would take his own life if Swift left him.“Sometimes I wonder if you’re gonna screw this up with me, but you told Lucy you’d kill yourself if I ever leave,” she sings, also adding: “And I had said that to Jack about you so I felt seen, everyone we know understands why it’s meant to be, because we’re crazy.” In the latter, fans speculate that the reference to ‘Jack’ may be a nod to Jack Antonoff, who is Swift’s longtime collaborator and producer of the album.Ultimately, fans seem convinced that the ‘Lucy’ referenced in the title track is Lucy Dacus – a third of the Grammy-winning group boygenius and someone who has connections to both Swift and Healy.Dacus had a friendship with Healy for years, as did boygenius bandmate Phoebe

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