Hillary Clinton: Last News


Donald Trump Jr. Hilariously Reminds Everyone How Close Daddy & Jeffrey Epstein Were!

Remember how we as a country mostly first learned about the Jeffrey Epstein scandal a couple years into the Donald Trump administration? Why not during the 2016 election? Well, maybe because Bill Clinton was apparently a frequent flyer on Epstein’s private jet, nicknamed the “Lolita Express”. It kiiiinda seemed like neither Trump nor Hillary Clinton could bring up the other’s connections to the billionaire pedophile without highlighting their own. And as he’s running again, Don still isn’t good with Epstein questions. Just see how he reacts to the idea of declassifying all the government’s info!

All news where Hillary Clinton is mentioned

Hillary and Chelsea Clinton’s ‘Gutsy’ Fails to Live Up to Its Name: TV Review
Caroline Framke Chief TV Critic In the months after Donald Trump became president and a flush of liberal rage manifested in impassioned Women’s Marches across the country, Hillary Clinton took a sizeable step back from public life. Having been a flashpoint of both controversy and sympathy for her entire adult life, Clinton found herself having to forge a new kind of identity — one that wouldn’t be tied to any kind of political office, but could still use support from those Democrats whose first reaction to Trump’s inauguration was to crochet pink “pussyhats” and march as a unified pink wave of righteous fury. “Gutsy,” Clinton’s new and self-consciously #feminist show produced with her daughter, Chelsea, helps the former candidate do exactly that, tapping everyone from Gloria Steinem to Megan Thee Stallion to explore what it means to be a “gutsy” woman. But watching the show’s eight curated episodes, all of which premiere September 9 on Apple TV+, feels like stepping back in feminism to Clinton’s campaign selling “NASTY WOMAN” T-shirts or Women’s March protesters lifting “IF HILLARY HAD BEEN ELECTED, WE’D BE AT BRUNCH RIGHT NOW” signs. Even with titles like “Gutsy Women Refuse Hate” and “Gutsy Women Have Rebel Hearts,” “Gutsy” bears the appearance of taking on The Hard Questions without doing much to move its conversations forward. Determined to find a silver lining in every cloud, and less furious with the world than annoyed at being misconceived, the Clintons spend much of their time in this series seeking out people who feel the same rather than challenging their own worldviews — or their likely viewers’ — at all.