Best of the Fest Bulletproof: A Lesbian’s Guide to Surviving the Plot October 4, 7pm As a young queer woman, I can tell you I’ve been quite affected by seeing women like me constantly being killed off on screen.
Documentarian Regan Latimer explores the damaging consequences of seeing yourself become disposable in the mainstream. In what could be a depressing narrative of repression, Latimer instead uses every second of her film to be absolutely delightful, drawing on painful experiences with a grain of salt because, after all, this is about television.
I dare you not to be endeared to Latimer and her collaborator (and stand-in) Lindy Zucker by the end of “Bulletproof.” Not only is it so incredibly charming, it is insightful and informative in the most unexpected ways.
Latimer addresses the problem being shown while also working to find a possible solution, speaking with creatives on both sides of the lens.