TLC reality series “Family By The Ton” that same year, where he was filmed naked because no clothes would too tight and restrictive.“I will just eat till I’m dead,” King stated on the show, “A normal day for me is to wake up around 12, figure out something I am going to eat immediately, [and then] TV, video games, bed.
It’s not a lot of activity.”In the series, King claimed he was always a “big kid,” weighing 300 pounds by the time he finished high school.
After graduation, he began working in restaurants and started eating even more. Several years later, he quit work and moved in with his dad, where his weight ballooned to an astonishing 845 pounds.
The whopping weight gain made it hard for him to undertake everyday activities — including bathing. King was forced to get clean in an outdoor trough on his father’s back deck because he was unable to fit into a regular-size shower or bath. “Because I am a bigger guy with, like, folds and flaps, I have to move around, almost like a pig in a way, and wallow and roll over to get the back of my leg.