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Beat The Chasers host Bradley Walsh in tears over naughty sperm question
Beat The Chasers host Bradley Walsh and quizzer Mark 'The Beast' Labbett were reduced to tears of laughter by one naughty question during the latest episode.Thursday's edition of the ITV quiz show saw the duo lose all composure when confronted with a piece of trivia which alluded to the 'squeezing of sperm'.The question read: "'I squeezed that sperm till a strange sort of insanity came over me' is a line in which classic novel?"While the studio audience laughed, Bradley could be seen rubbing his eyes in disbelief.He later bent at the waist as he struggled to maintain composure.The camera later panned to the The Beast, who could be seen wiping tears from his face in the hysterical moment.After maintaining his composure, Bradley said: "Certainly ain't the bible, that's for sure."He later laughed at the actual correct answer which was Herman Melville's classic novel Moby Dick.Bradley and The Beast weren't the only people in hysterics, as fans on Twitter also struggled to maintain their composure.One viewer wrote: "Of all the questions in the world and it has to be about sperm."Another commented: "I squeezed that sperm?What sort of show is this…"A third said: I squeezed that sperm, so my dirty mind shouted out it must be 50 Shades of Grey."Meanwhile, a fourth replied: "You squeezed that sperm until what sorry?""I squeezed that sperm. It's definitely not the Bible," another viewer concluded.The naughty gag followed Chaser Darragh Ennis making a savage gag about missing Chaser Anne 'The Governess' Hegerty.Darragh said: "It doesn't matter, Brad.