city Tehran: Last News


‘My Favourite Cake’ Co-Director Slams Iranian President After Repeated Travel Ban: ‘You Cannot Lead a Society to Growth and Reform Through Deception’

Nick Vivarelli International Correspondent Iranian directorial duo Maryam Moghaddam and Behtash Sanaeeha, who in February were banned by Iranian authorities from traveling to the Berlin Film Festival to launch their film “My Favourite Cake,” have now been subjected to repeated travel bans after their passports were returned. Last week, Moghaddam — who is Swedish-Iranian — was ready to fly to Sweden to visit her family and attend the Swedish premiere of “My Favourite Cake” when she was stopped.

All news where city Tehran is mentioned
Sick state-backed Iranian TV compares Queen to Hitler and calls her death 'good news'
Queen Elizabeth II, who died last week (September 8) aged 96, some anti-Western regimes have been tastelessly celebrating.One of those is Iran.And, according to several reports, a leading Iranian state-run TV channel has compared Her Majesty to the murderous leader of the Nazi regime, Adolf Hitler.READ MORE: 'Good omen' for King Charles as he's licked by corgi during Northern Ireland visitAnd the Iranian channel – a mouth piece of leaders in the country – shockingly claimed that she was “one of the greatest criminals in the history of mankind” and that her legacy of the United Kingdom was “full of crime, abomination and filth”.The comments came from Foad Izadi of Tehran University.Speaking on Channel 1 – the main news television channel of the country which throws members of the LGBTQ+ community off of buildings – he said: “Perhaps, in light of her 70 years on the throne, she should be included in the same list with Hitler."From a certain perspective, we should be sad that this person died because she died without standing trial, without being punished, and without paying for her crimes.”And to make it worse, during an English-language broadcast on PressTV – the channel which former Labour MP Chris Williamson currently presents an anti-semitic conspiracy theory-laden show about Jews on - he added: “The Queen is a famous imperialist, colonialist, war criminal, aggression of the British army throughout the world is done under her name.“British armed forces are the Queen's armed forces.“So we have just a handful of people who have engaged in so many atrocities in the last century: Hitler, for example, some American presidents belong to that list, and Queen Elizabeth that oversaw the end of the British empire.“The number of
Five children among 34 crushed to death in horror 10-storey building collapse
Iranian government after 34 people died, including five children.The horrific collapse of a 10-storey building of flats and shops left 34 dead during protests against the government of Ali Khameneiheld in Abadan, south-western Iran.Officials have blamed the collapse of the building on a mixture of poor building standards and local corruption, but many Iranian citizens have put the blame of the tragic deaths on the country's government and leader.Citizens pointed the blame at Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and government negligence, which they believe led to the collapse of the building and 34 deaths, including five schoolchildren.Police are also said to be using Mace spray against protestors.Iranian citizens took to the streets to protest Ali Khamenei, who has been in office since 1989.Chants of "death to Khamenei" could be heard in footage believed to be from a protest in the capital of Tehran, where protests against the government are ongoing.Protests against Khamenei are nationwide, with the south coast also protesting with alleged chants of "death to the dictator".Nationwide protests were met with catastrophe after a building in Abadan collapsed, with five schoolchildren's bodies recovered from the rubble after the tragic collapse. Five children were killed in the building collapse, with reports naming the children as Melika and Mitra Salehianpour, Masih Sadeghi, and Arian and Hamidreza Jalilian.