Iggy Pop, is the cover boy of “Dustin Pittman: New York After Dark,” prowling across the stage with the Stooges at Ugano’s Club in 1970.“Iggy did his Iggy thing,” said Pittman. “He was all new, and it was amazing … We just hit it off really well.”So much so that Pittman was granted a very special exception.“Iggy had this one rule that if a photographer got too close, he would break their camera,” he said. “But Iggy said to me, ‘Dustin, you never have to worry about me breaking your camera.
You can get as close as you want.’ “Pittman shot Lou Reed with the Velvet Underground during their residency at Max’s Kansas City in 1970, which would turn out to be his final performances with the band.“Lou Reed and I were very, very close,” he said. “And that gig was historic.They played two sets a night for two or three weeks.
And what was great about it is that there were maybe not even 30 people there watching them play. But they weren’t watching them play — you got up and you danced next to Lou Reed playing ‘Heroin’ and ‘Sweet Jane’ and all those songs.
And every set they would improvise.”David Johansen of New York Dolls fame wrote the foreword to “New York After Dark,” penning that “It’s obvious Dustin has a fortunate temperament and just loves being a photographer.”The punk icon is also pictured in the book striking poses at the St.
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