Anna “Delvey” Sorokin on “Dancing With The Stars,” who will be performing this season in an ankle bracelet.“I think back to the families who have had family members arrested by ICE who have gone to the courts to get their dad or their brother or their mother back, and this woman, they gave her permission to go do this.
Now, should I think there’s a reason? Is there a two-tiered system here with ICE?” Goldberg said.Sorokin was released from federal custody in October 2022 after spending 17 months in prison and has been on house arrest ever since.
The story of Sorokin, who infamously pretended to have a 60-million euro fortune while living a lavish New York lifestyle, inspired the hit Netflix series “Inventing Anna.”“I don’t understand why she gets to stay,” Goldberg said, after co-host Joy Behar said it was because Sorokin was “pretty.” “I’m listening to people bitch about what’s going on at the border, and I’m listening to people bitch about all these people who shouldn’t be here, well what the hell, man?
How does this work?”Born in the former Soviet Union, Sorokin swindled a network of financial institutions and New York’s elite into believing she had a fortune overseas.She was convicted of four counts of theft of services, three counts of grand larceny and one count of attempted grand larceny in 2019. “We’ve got to support the network, I get all of that,” Goldberg said of ABC, before gesturing her hand to her chin, and suggesting it was a big slap “in the face of a lot of people who’ve been trying to make their way back to this country.”Fox News Digital reached out to ABC News for comment, but did not immediately hear back.