Biden: Last News


Stephen King Says Joe Biden Must Step Down; Rob Reiner Agrees: ‘It’s Time to Stop F—ing Around’ Because ‘We Lose Our Democracy’ If Trump Wins

Zack Sharf Digital News Director Rob Reiner and Stephen King have joined the growing chorus of Hollywood voices publicly urging Joe Biden to step down as the Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential election. The “All in the Family” actor and “Princess Bride” director posted a statement on X to his 2.3 million followers in which he said Biden’s exit is imperative considering democracy itself is at stake in this election. “It’s time to stop fucking around,” Reiner wrote.

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'Makes him look ridiculous' Piers Morgan attacks Biden for 'mocking' journalist on Ukraine
Ukraine, many have looked to presidents and top politicians to provide a solution. However Piers Morgan was witheringly critical of Joe Biden, who appeared yesterday to backtrack on his administration's previous assertions that sanctions could deter Putin from continuing the war."Let's get something straight," Joe Biden bluntly began as he fielded questions from a CBS News journalist."If you remember, if you've covered me from the beginning, I did not say that in fact that sanctions would deter him," he continued, in reference to Vladimir Putin."Sanctions never deter! You keep talking about that."Seconds earlier, he had accused the journalist, Christina Ruffini, of "playing games" after she quizzed him on how sanctions could work if they had not been a sufficient deterrent to prevent the invasion.Piers had an axe to grind after viewing an incendiary video clip of the press conference, posted by @RNCResearch, and took to Twitter to tell all to his network of almost eight million followers."Either Biden didn’t know his entire top team repeatedly said sanctions WOULD deter, or he’s forgotten they said it," he wrote."Either way, this makes him look ridiculous, and the fact he mocked the journalist is even worse."However another Twitter user suggested that he should check out a longer version of the video to put his concerns into context, warning: "You need to listen to him fully - this cuts it off."He said Sanctions never deter.