Marta Balaga As the November election looms, director Emily Harrold isn’t focusing on the U.S. political divide. Instead, she’s turning to five politicians who decided to work together despite their party affiliations: South Carolina’s “Sister Senators.” Margie Bright Matthews, Katrina Shealy, Mia McLeod, Penry Gustafson and Sandy Senn started collaborating in the wake of the Dobbs decision – the U.S.
Supreme Court ruling that ended the constitutional right to abortion – and because they realized there’s strength in numbers. “I’m from South Carolina and I didn’t realize there were only five women in the South Carolina senate.
Honestly, I felt a little embarrassed. It’s just so rare to see people of different political persuasions that like and respect each other.
It’s a real sisterhood,” says Harrold. “Sister Senators,” presented at Ji.hlava Documentary Film Festival’s U.S. Docs showcase, is produced by Harrold and Robin Hessman, and co-produced by Rachel Denny.