Marta Balaga “Wasteland Chronicles,” directed by Viera Čákanyová, Barbora Sliepková and Lucia Kašová, has received the New Visions Award at Ji.hlava Documentary Film Festival for the most promising European project.
It comes with post-production services valued at €15,000 (courtesy of UPP) and €5,000 (Soundsquare). You can find the full list of winners here. “The first idea for the film came from Lucia.
The ex-Minister of Environment in Slovakia made a promise to get rid of three toxic landfills. We wanted to follow up on that.
She suggested we direct it together. We would join our voices to talk about these issues, focusing on one of these sites,” Sliepková told Variety after picking up the award. “Each of us has a different approach and we decided it can actually be a strength.