politics: Last News


Donald Trump loses legal battle over using Eddy Grant’s ‘Electric Avenue’ without permission

Donald Trump has lost a legal battle over using Eddy Grant‘s song ‘Electric Avenue’ without permission.Trump used a 40-second clip of the song in a video during his 2020 presidential campaign. The video was viewed 13.7 million times before Twitter, now known as X, took it down.A federal judge in Manhattan ruled that Trump breached Grant’s copyright for his 1983 hit and now is liable for damages as well as payment of the singer’s legal fees.Trump’s lawyers argued that the Twitter video was shielded under copyright’s fair use doctrine, which allows for the use of protected works in certain situations.

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UK students begin Gaza protests after “horrifying” arrests at US universities
The Guardian, a lecturer at Columbia Law School called Bassam Khawaja said that he was “horrified to see Columbia invite police onto our campus for the second time this month to arrest our students”.Since the arrests, both faculty and non-resident students have been prevented from entering campus, and the scenes at the university have sparked a new sense of anger among UK students – with a shared sense of solidarity leading to more protests being planned.Speaking with The Guardian, David Maguire – the vice-chancellor of the University of East Anglia (UEA) – explained how protests at UK universities have been generally peaceful, but could easily escalate into scenes similar to those in the US.Among those planning demonstrations are students, staff and alumni from the universities of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam, who form a group called the Sheffield Campus Coalition for Palestine, and have already begun an encampment in solidarity with the people in Gaza.An encampment is also being held at the University of Warwick, which has been going on since last week, as well as one in Newcastle, which is said to include over 40 students.For the latter, organisers stated that students were left outraged after the university reportedly signed a partnership with Leonardo SpA – a defence and security company which they claim is responsible for the laser-targeting system used in the Israel Defense Forces’ F-35 fighter jets.Elsewhere, there was a May Day student walkout in Leeds in solidarity with Palestine, students in Bristol established an encampment in Royal Fort Gardens, and the University of York revealed that it “no longer holds investments in companies that primarily make or sell weapons and defence-related products or