politics: Last News


Donald Trump loses legal battle over using Eddy Grant’s ‘Electric Avenue’ without permission

Donald Trump has lost a legal battle over using Eddy Grant‘s song ‘Electric Avenue’ without permission.Trump used a 40-second clip of the song in a video during his 2020 presidential campaign. The video was viewed 13.7 million times before Twitter, now known as X, took it down.A federal judge in Manhattan ruled that Trump breached Grant’s copyright for his 1983 hit and now is liable for damages as well as payment of the singer’s legal fees.Trump’s lawyers argued that the Twitter video was shielded under copyright’s fair use doctrine, which allows for the use of protected works in certain situations.

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Why Did Mike Johnson Scrub 69 Podcasts From His Website?
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA), who House Republicans unanimously voted for last week, has scrubbed his personal website, apparently deleting all 69 weekly podcasts he and his wife Kelly began recording last year.Kelly Johnson’s business website, Onward Christian Counseling, has also been scrubbed. HuffPost reports she “runs a counseling business that advocates the belief that homosexuality is comparable to bestiality and incest, according to its operating documents.” Attempts to access both websites now result in an “Error” message, although those web addresses have been archived.Speaker Johnson has been described as a far-right Christian nationalist and Christian dominionist.Last week, after Johnson was elected the third-most powerful official in America, Politico published a profile on “the Christian nationalist ideas that shaped House Speaker Mike Johnson.” The New York Times wrote, “The new House speaker has put his faith at the center of his political career, and aligned himself with a newer cohort of conservative Christianity that some describe as Christian nationalism.”An MSNBC columnist last week wrote, “Mike Johnson’s Christian nationalist track record isn’t a mystery — it’s a tragedy,” and added, “The new speaker cut his teeth trying to erode the separation of church and state and abortion and LGBTQ rights as a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund.”On Thursday, in a Daily Beast opinion piece, David Rothkopf wrote, “Here’s Why Mike Johnson Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump.”“In interviews he has spoken of the fact that ‘We don’t live in a democracy’ we live in a ‘Biblical republic,'” Rothkop said.