Storm Franklin: Last News


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Mum reduced to tears after school shames parents in letter for not sending kids in storm
worst storm the country has had in more than 30 years.Storm Franklin forced many parents who send their children to All Saints Catholic Primary School in Bootle on Monday to say how “staggering” it was that they were not in school during the day.Most of the country was battered by 70mph winds and rain all day.The letter, as reported by the Liverpool Echo, reads: “Unfortunately, we have many children absent today, not because of Covid or other illnesses but apparently because of the wind!“I have to say I find this staggering, not least because most live in very close proximity to school.“Given the amount of pre-school and school experiences that our children have already missed in the last two years, missing a whole day's learning today is unacceptable.Want all the latest shocking news and views from all over the world straight into your inbox?We've got the best royal scoops, crime dramas and breaking stories - all delivered in that Daily Star style you love.Our great newsletters will give you all you need to know, from hard news to that bit of glamour you need every day. They'll drop straight into your inbox and you can unsubscribe whenever you like.You can sign up here - you won't regret it...“For staff, many of whom travelled considerable distances here this morning, eager to introduce new learning topics to their class, it is incredibly frustrating.“I'm always in awe when I see photographs of children and parents around the world who value education so dearly that they walk barefoot for miles or clamber over rubble, past bombed-out ruins, in order to get to school.
New Met Office weather warning for UK with 70mph winds and 'blizzard conditions'
The Met Office has issued yet another weather warning as 60mph winds are set to hit the UK.Strong winds are likely in the north west of England from 6am to 3pm on Wednesday and large parts of Scotland will be hit with snow and wind between 1pm and 3pm.The Met Office said: "Frequent heavy snow showers are expected, along with very gusty winds and a small chance of frequent lightning affecting some places."They added that there is a small chance of injuries and danger to life from flying debris, as well as damage to buildings, such as tiles blown from roofs.Longer journey times and cancellations on road, rail, air and ferry services were also reported by The Met Office, with a chance that some vehicles and passengers could be stranded.A Met Office spokesman said: "Temperatures across Scotland and Northern Ireland are expected to drop sharply following a squally band of rain on Wednesday, with frequent heavy and blustery snow showers arriving from the Atlantic."The showers will be accompanied by strong, blustery winds, with gusts of 50-60mph possible, and a small chance of 70mph on coasts."Blizzard conditions are likely over higher ground."The spokesman continued: "There is a very small chance that some of the showers could be accompanied by frequent lightning, which may impact power supplies."Some showers are increasingly likely to turn back to rain and sleet at low levels later Thursday morning and early afternoon, although remaining as snow above 200-300m."The Environment Agency has urged West Midlands and north of England communities, especially those along River Severn, to be prepared for significant flooding following high rainfall from Storm Franklin.Hundreds of food warnings were issued, including two rare "severe"