county Yuma: Last News


‘The Last Stop in Yuma County’ Takes Top Prize at Bucheon Fantasy Film Festival

Patrick Frater Asia Bureau Chief American-made films took two top prizes at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BiFan) in South Korea, ahead of a slew of Korean and Taiwanese titles that took the lesser prizes. “The Last Stop in Yuma County,” a crime thriller directed by Francis Galluppi and set around a restaurant in Arizona, won the KRW20 million ($14,500) Bucheon Choice feature award. The jury called it a, “profound exploration of human nature [with] characters traversing the boundary between righteousness and malevolence.” JT Mollner was named best director in the same section for his “Strange Darling,” a retro-feel, horror-romance with what the jury called, “an exhilarating and engaging narrative, challenging genre and character stereotypes and subverting implicit bias.” The awards were presented Friday evening at a closing ceremony at the Bucheon City Hall.

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