Professor Severus Snape, portrayed by the late Alan Rickman, is an intricate part of the "Harry Potter" legacy. However, in revealing new diary entries meticulously kept by the actor and shared with The Guardian, the infamous Snape almost never was – as Rickman wanted out of his role as the devious dark-sided wizard.
Rickman passed away in 2016 after battling cancer. In an excerpt dated Dec. 4, 2002, Rickman writes, "Talking to [agent] Paul Lyon-Maris about HP exit, which he thinks will happen.
But here we are in the project-collision area again. Reiterating no more HP.They don’t want to hear it." Rickman is referencing the "Harry Potter" franchise when he writes "HP." Alan Rickman documented the many qualms he dealt with over the course of his career, primarily with the "Harry Potter" franchise. (Don Emmert/AFP via Getty Images) At this point in time, Rickman would have already filmed the first two installments of the movie series adapted from the books written by J.K.
Rowling. In a contrasting entry written on Jan. 5, 2006, Rickman notes, "Finally, yes to HP 5.The sensation is neither up nor down.The argument that wins is the one that says: ‘See it through.