Transgender Woman: Last News


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Transgender Woman Sues Over Mistreatment in Men’s Prison
WMAR.In response to an inquiry from WMAR, the department declined to comment specifically on Gilliam’s allegations but expressed its commitment to ensuring transgender inmates are treated with respect.“While DPSCS cannot comment specifically on a pending lawsuit, we can say that the Department takes very seriously — and treats with urgency — the protection of every single incarcerated person’s dignity and safety,” the department said in a statement. “The Department has met with advocacy groups and has tirelessly worked on the complex issues related to the transgender incarcerated population, and is committed to updating its policies as necessary based on correctional and medical professionals’ recommendations to ensure the safety of everyone in our facilities,” the statement continues. It notes that all correctional facilities are regularly audited by federal authorities to ensure they are complying with provisions in the Prison Rape Elimination Act, a federal law designed to cut down on sexual assault incidents involving incarcerated individuals. “PREA standards prohibit the placement of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex incarcerated individuals in dedicated facilities, units, or wings solely on the basis of such identifications or status,” the department added.