Fruit: Last News


Alicia Silverstone scares fans by appearing to eat a ‘poisonous’ fruit: ‘I need your help’

TikTok video shared Monday, Silverstone explained that she’s “discovered something that I can’t figure out what it is and I need your help.”“I just bit into it because it was on the street and we were discussing whether this was a tomato or not,” she continued, as she showed the piece of fruit to the camera.

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Hidden meaning behind code on fruit stickers revealed – and people are stunned
food grown with pesticides, the tip could be very handy.In a TikTok video watched more than 3million times, Joshua Bollum says: "I’m sure a lot of you eat fruit, and whenever you buy fruit, you always see these little stickers on them."Well, these little stickers actually tell you how the fruit is grown."He then zooms in to show the code on a lemon and a Pink Lady apple which is 5030 and a Sun Pacific orange which is 4012.Joshua says: "These numbers mean different things, so a four-digit number means it’s been grown with pesticides, and a five-digit number that starts with eight usually means it’s genetically modified (GMO)."A five-digit number starting with nine usually means it’s certified organic."In a nutshell, look out for the magic number nine if you only want to eat eco-friendly products – although as many viewers pointed out, it can get expensive.One quipped: "I actually don’t need to read the barcode to know if it’s organic. "They always have a big sign, or section, and it’s double the price."Other people said the information was very useful and helped spread awareness of farming methods."I wish i saw this 15min earlier because I am 100% sure the shiny apple I just ate is BAD," said one.A second said: "I work in a grocery store, this is 100% true!"Someone else shared: "I'm surprised how many people don't believe this.
Gangster Ronnie Kray double is spotted shopping for fruit and veg in Asda supermarket
shopping for fruit and veg.The dead-ringer for the gangster – with Ronnie-style slicked-back hair specs and smart clothes – was seen browsing in an Asda branch.One amused shopper posted a picture of the lookalike online and wrote: “Ronnie Kray is alive and well and shopping in ASDA.”The snap is believed to have been taken at a store in east London.A Twitter user responded saying: “That’s Tom Hardy I fink and is it the Beckton Asda”.British actor Hardy played Ronnie and his ruthless twin Reggie in the 2015 film Legend.East End mobster Ronnie, 61, died in hospital in 1995, two days after he collapsed on a ward at Broadmoor where he was serving life for murder.Ronnie and his brother Reggie have passed into history as celebrity figures after their organised crime and nightclub ownership saw them mix with gangsters, politicians and entertainers alike.The notorious brothers were boxers in their early lives before going into national service, where they were thrown out after reportedly throwing tantrums and handcuffing a guard.Ronnie and Reggie started their criminal organisation, The Firm, fairly late in life in their early 50s, committing several crimes through armed robberies, arson, protection rackets, assaults and murder over two decades. In January, an ITV documentary made the shocking claim that Reggie "didn't want to be a villain" — and was instead influenced by his brother.