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‘Star Trek’ icon William Shatner jokes that Earth is flat and people live on the sun in odd interview

The Other Side of Midnight show last week while promoting his paranormal Fox Nation show “Aliens Among Us.”Shatner, who infamously flew to space on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin in 2021, made a joke that the Earth is flat. “I was asked by the Flat Earth group to say something about whether the Earth was flat. And I have been around it, and my opinion is that the Earth is flat,” he sarcastically said.“Just so few people want to believe it,” Shatner added.

All news where Earth is mentioned
Asteroid triple the size of a blue whale is set to 'skim past Earth' in close approach
asteroid which is three times the size of a blue whale is set to brush past earth next week, according to NASA. The mega rock which is estimated to be between 121 and 272 feet wide, is set to make its close encounter on Monday ( June 6).Asteroid 2021 GT2 could cause major damage if it smashes into Earth due to its size, however it is thought to skim pass at a safe 2.2million mile threshold.In comparison to the space agency's estimates, the average blue whale spans around 70ft long, which means the rock is around triple the size.Despite predictions for it to pass safely, the asteroid will move close enough for it to be put through on NASA's Earth Close Approaches tables.If an asteroid comes within 4.65million miles of Earth and is bigger than a certain size, space agencies can class it as "potentially hazardous."In just one day, Asteroid 2021 GT2 is set to make its debut at around 5:35am BST or 12:35 ET.Its next close approach to Earth will not take place until January 26, 2034, when it passes significantly further out than its set approach for June 6.According to Live Science, experts hope to prepare for the worse in case an asteroid suddenly switches its trajectory.It has been reported that NASA is currently investigating whether or not a huge asteroid could be taken off course by crashing a rocket into it.An asteroid-deflecting spacecraft was launched by the space agency in November 2021.
Evil Putin using 'scorched-Earth policy' so Russia can wipe Ukrainian city off the map
Russia's despotic President Vladimir Putin has ramped up his invasion of Ukraine, and is now employing a “scorched-earth policy”, according to a top Ukrainian commander. Petro Kuzyk has been leading the National Guard Rapid Reponse brigade in the fight to defence the embattled city of Severodonetsk.The area has become Putin's main target of violence in recent weeks, as he attempts to save face in the invasion which has gone on around three months longer than he had originally planned.Commander Kuzyk told local media that around 500 Russian shells were hitting the city every hour.He said, in a video interview showing him sitting on the floor, smoking a cigarette while surrounded by supplies: “We have intelligence that huge columns of tanks are moving in the direction of Severodonetsk.“This tactic has been tested, it does them little good, but thanks to massive shelling, they can move forward — because they are destroying positions, trenches and buildings step by step.“They did not capture Rubizhne — they wiped it off the face of the earth.“We are catastrophically short of artillery-systems, accurate, counter-battery systems that destroy enemy artillery from a long distance.“Here, they still have an advantage in artillery.”The Eastern city has become the new focus of Putin's troops.The area is now being dubbed the “new Mariupol”, after Putin's forces levelled that city early on into the invasion.Commander Kuzyk added: “We do not have enough multiple launch rocket systems that hit the target.“We need to more or less close the sky — it’s either serious air defence systems, or fighter aircraft.
Mysterious 'Alien’ signal came from Earth-like star system, scientist says
from the stars may finally have been explained, 45 years after it was received.The minute-long burst of radio energy known as the “Wow signal” has kept scientists speculating about its origins since it was received on August 15, 1977.While no-one has been able to detect a message hidden in the signal, it remains the most convincing candidate for a signal from an alien world.And now, scientists have a better idea of where that world could be.Astronomer Alberto Caballero has isolated a star, roughly the same size as our own Sun, that’s exactly where the source of the signal appeared to be.Named after a stunned astronomer scribbled 'wow!" on a printout of the data, The Wow! Signal is considered "the best SETI candidate radio signal that we have picked up with our telescopes,” Alberto told Live Science.And he has now identified a potential source of the mysterious signal.He painstakingly went though images collected by the European Space Agency's Gaia mission, which used a billion-pixel camera to image our galaxy in unprecedented detail.Focusing on two areas where the signal could have come from, he examined every star in turn, looking for K-type star systems, which are believed to be hospitable to life as we know it, and G-type stars – like our own Sun.One of the candidates, listed as 2MASS 19281982-2640123, is almost exactly like the Sun in terms of its size and its energy output."There is a solar analog in the region where the most alien-like signal has come from,” Alberto says.While no planets have as yet been detected in orbit around the distant star, some 1,800 light-years from Earth, Alberto’s discovery could point the way to the identification of extraterrestrial civilisation.His findings were published May 6 in the
Scientists set up 'alien telescope' to listen to messages sent to Earth from outer space
Scientists have set up an “alien telescope” that focuses purely on sounds coming to Earth from outer space.Researchers at the National Radio Quiet Zone in West Virginia – one of the quietest places on the planet, where mobile phones don’t work and WiFi is scarce – are hoping to pick up messages from extra-terrestrial beings.A huge receiver that is 100 metres wide and fully steerable turns radio waves from space into electric signals that boffins then analyse.Dr Ethan Siegel, a theoretical astrophysicist working on the project, said aliens could be trying to send us messages from deep space.He told FreeThink: “If someone is actively speaking to us from across the universe, if we didn’t listen because we didn’t find it easily the first time, how much would we be short-changing ourselves through our own short sightedness?“If we discover we're not alone in the universe it will change forever how we view life on earth… (but) the way we’re going to find it is not through grainy footage or pixels we can’t make out.”Although there have been plenty of supposed UFOs caught on camera, researchers can’t find out much from the footage as it is often blurry and could have easily been edited.Stay up to date with all the Daily Star's latest news by signing up to one of our free newsletters here.But the new project to listen to outer space could prove the key to having definitive proof of life outside of planet Earth.Ryan Lynch, a scientist at the Green Bank Observatory, added: “The radio signals we’re trying to pick up from space are extremely weak.“It’s like casting a net – the bigger the receiver dish, the bigger the net and the weaker the signals we can pick up.” It comes as governments around the world start to take UFO sightings
Asteroid twice the size of the London Eye to crash through Earth's orbit this week
asteroid, twice the size of the London Eye, will crash through Earth's orbit tomorrow, NASA has warned.The agency is keeping a close watch on the space rock catchily named 2013AX as it set to come into close contact with Earth tomorrow.And the exact time it will do so is 7.08pm, UK time.When it passes, it will be around 3.92 million miles above us, travelling at a super fast speed of 16 kilometres per second – and it measures a whopping 440ft in diametre.For stargazers out there, it will travel through the Tucana constellation on during its journey into our orbit.Any large asteroid set to come within 4.65 million miles of Earth is classified as “potentially hazardous” by NASA scientists– and the latest asteroid on NASA’s radar falls into this category.If it does veer off its so-far safe course and crash into Earth, then it is big enough to cause significant damage - in 1908, a meteor that hit eastern Siberia and flattened entire forests measured around 200 metres.Anything over 100 metres long can even create a devastating force around 10 times more destructive than a volcanic eruption.But although there would certainly be widespread damage if 2013AX did hit the Earth, NASA reckons the chances are it will only make a “close approach”.The asteroid actually visits our planet once every few years, flying around our Sun once every 809 days and has so far caused us no trouble at all.Yesterday (Sunday, May 15), a huge asteroid bigger than the Empire State Building was spotted hurtling towards Earth at a whopping 18,000 miles an hour.The atmospheric debris – known as Asteroid 388945 (2008 TZ3) – was 490 metres wide, making it taller than the 440-metre Empire State Building in New York.However, it passed our atmosphere without
Time traveller claims asteroid ‘half the size of the moon’ will approach Earth next year
TikTok user who claims to be a time traveller from the year 2269 has warned that a 'huge asteroid will make a close approach to Earth' next year.The user, who posts under the name @_time_traveller_2269, claims that the space rock that will pass by the Earth next year will be half the size of the moon.That means its radius could measure up to 868.7km wide.Sharing the warning in a 10-second video, they said: "This is no joke!! I am a time traveller from the year 2269."In the year 2023, an asteroid will pass by Earth that is half the size of the moon."The clip, which was posted yesterday, left TikTok users divided over whether they should believe it or not as one user said: "What time, so I can get in my shed to be safe."However, others didn't seem so bothered by the news, writing: "Wow thanks for that, I will remember not to look out for that."But for the most part, the alleged time traveller was met with mockery for their warning as one user quipped: "I’m a time traveller from 1963 sorry I’m late."Another asked: "And I'm Mickey Mouse? Did u get the lottery numbers by any chance?????"The news comes after a huge asteroid bigger than the Empire State Building is zooming towards Earth at a whopping 18,000 miles an hour, NASA has warned.The agency is keeping a close watch on the space rock set to pass our planet today (May 15).Stay in the loop with all the latest Daily Star news by signing up to one of our free newsletters here.Any large asteroid set to come within 4.65 million miles of Earth is classified as “potentially hazardous” by boffins – and the latest asteroid on NASA’s radar falls into this category, coming within 3.5 million miles of our planet.The atmospheric debris – known as Asteroid 388945 (2008 TZ3) – is 490