Fans of Eamonn Holmes expressed concern for the presenter's wellbeing during his appearance on GB News. During Wednesday's episode, the 64-year-old was joined by the iconic '90s fitness coach, Mr Motivator, aka Derrick Errol Evans, 71, who tried to lead Holmes through a set of straightforward exercises.
Following an attempt at the gentle workout routine, Eamonn opened up about his difficulty with the physical activity, confessing to his guest: "It's like a living nightmare".
He added: "We get the message, Mot, thank you. We look forward to seeing you when you're 91 instead of 71, my friend." Mr Motivator suggested a lively partnership with GB News saying: "GB News should have me come in every single morning to do five minutes before you guys come on and that way we can get the nation moving.
Movement is medicine!" This prompted Eamonn to groan: "Oh God," followed by audible laughter off-camera. Earlier in the year, Holmes had sombrely reflected on his own mortality and health issues during the TRIC Awards, attending solo for the first time without his then-estranged wife, Ruth Langsford.