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David Bowie seduced Tina Turner by going naked and wearing one of her wigs

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Tina Turner was seduced by David Bowie after he wore one of her famous wigs - and not much else. The music icons got together back in 1985 when she toured the UK, her long-serving former personal assistant claims.

Confidant Eddy Hampton Armani has given a tell-all interview about life with legend Tina, who he worked with over two decades.

Eddy, 62, says British music icon David blew her away by having some fun at her hotel in Birmingham. Tina’s friend told The Sun on Sunday he even belted out her hit song Rolling On The River as they fooled around.

Eddy said: “I arrived to see their sound-check on stage and they were teasing each other. Later they went back to the hotel and had the sushi. “The next morning I went to Tina’s room and she

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