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Smart Goals Are Sane Alternatives to Pointless New Year's Resolutions
In the spirit of and permanently dismantling toxic —which mostly are designed to make us feel terrible and spend money on things we think we need to live a more fulfilling life—we're offering up , a series that offers judgement-free and tactical advice on how to set some, well, smart goals for yourself in 2024 that feel realistic and sane.Congratulations! You’ve nearly made it through the 23rd year of the 3rd millennium—should you pop the Champagne, or should I? I won’t say 2023 has been the worst year in our most recent decade—the world literally shut down in and 2022 played the that turned out to be very real—but it sure hasn’t been easy.To be fair, there were some candy-colored highlights: 2023 brought with it the the of all time, the most exciting Super Bowl Half Time Show in recent memory , sold-out arena tours that also revitalized local economies , a Bravolebrity scorned who after a shocking betrayal, even a gimmicky bra (yes, bra) hawked by a Kardashian that we thought was just another way to sexualize women But by and large, this year has left us , , and more than ready to usher in 2024 because Which is why we're going on record saying the last thing we need right now is to be told we need to be better in the form of insidious and cliched New Year's resolutions. For me, not-so-lowkey reminders that a new year is approaching have started to seep into my daily habits—Instagram ads imploring me to pay the sale price of $49 a month to a fitness influencer who will show me how to get the pilates body I've always wanted.