city Cody, county Christian: Last News


‘Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’ Voice Actor Cody Christian On Bringing Vulnerability To The Combat-Ready Cloud Strife; “I’ve Experienced Things Very Much Similar To What Cloud Is Going Through In My Real Life”

Let the record show that despite embodying one of the most well-known (and well-armed) protagonists in video game history, Final Fantasy VII’s stoic ex-SOLDIER Cloud Strife, Cody Christian, does not carry around his own six-foot-long, one-foot-wide Buster Sword to solve his problems. No. Instead, the actor admits that he deals with the ebbs and flows of life and career in a much more humble way. “There’s [a] honesty and vulnerability that we see in Cloud,” said Christian. “[And] I think they’re very powerful and relatable on such a human level. I’ve experienced things very much similar to what Cloud is going through in my real life. And I don’t wield the Buster Sword, and I’m not fighting Shrina to save the world. I’m similar in a lot of ways where I could put this tough look on. But the reality is if you talk to me, I’m just goofy and corny. I live a very boring, simple life. I love working out, playing video games, telling stories and acting.”

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