Johnny Depp fans have been speculating that the actor has taken steps to fix his teeth, based on a new video on social media.A clip has been posted online of the Pirates Of The Caribbean star mixing drinks behind the bar of a venue in Exuma, Bahamas, in which his sparkling white teeth are on display.“Jacksparrow meets the killerbartender of Exuma Bahamas,” wrote the worker in question alongside the video. “Once in a lifetime moments with Mr.
Johnny Depp”.A post shared by Rap Rap Zoilo (@killerbartender)The video has given cause for Depp fans to rejoice at the apparent improvement to his dental hygiene, which had been described as “rotting” after a red carpet appearance last summer.“He looks so happy!” reads one of the comments under the new video. “And healthy and LOOK he got his teeth fixed!!!!”“The pirate teeth are gone,” wrote another. “Pearly whites look beautiful.”“Am I right to see that his teeth are looking brighter than ever before???” chipped in another.In other Depp news, rumours began circulating last year that he had been dating Wednesday and Beetlejuice Beetlejuice star Jenna Ortega, which both parties have strongly denied.In July, Depp also paid tribute to Tamayo Perry, his co-star from Pirates Of The Caribbean, who was killed in a shark attack in Hawaii. “Even though it was some years ago now, I remember Tamayo well,” Depp wrote. “A lovely man, with a huge heart and zest for life… Emilia, I send you all my love and strength.