Elon Musk has said that X, formerly known as Twitter, will likely start charging its users.The X owner, who is also the founder/CEO of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla, said in a new meeting that the social media platform is considering enacting a paywall.Although unconfirmed, Musk told Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a meeting this week that a subscription would probably cost “a few dollars” a month for users [via The Guardian].Currently, X charges users for its subscription service X Premium that offers advantages such as a verified account checkmark.
It costs $11 (£8.87) per month in the US for iPhones and £11 per month in the UK.Musk explained that a paywall would help the business keep bots at bay and generate money lost by “60 per cent” drop in advertising revenue on the platform.“We’re moving to having a small monthly payment for use of the system,” Musk told Netanyahu, whom he’d met to discuss technology and artificial intelligence.Musk added that bots cost “a fraction of a penny” to set up and then charging users “a few dollars or something” could deter operators of the software.
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