Spencer Pratt: Last News


‘Celebrity Big Brother's stars are so brave - it can break people' - Will Best on show's return

It’s nearly time to return to the Diary Room, as Celebrity Big Brother welcomes a glittering line-up of famous faces into the heavily surveyed house. AJ Odudu and Will Best are on hosting duties again for this starry spin-off and while the cast won’t be announced until the big launch night, AJ is hoping to see some brawny bachelors walk through the Big Brother doors.

All news where Spencer Pratt is mentioned

What’s this? Oh, just The Hills’ Heidi Montag casually tucking into raw bison heart in the street
‘I want to forgive you, and I wanna forget you’, we’ll never forget) has shared her apparent love of the raw meat diet which we cannot in good faith advertise here as a terribly brilliant thing to do.Still, the star is all about it, and was papped – how convenient – this week tucking into a *checks notes* raw bison heart.From a Ziplock bag, no less.Many experts have warned against eating raw meat, and, while there can be benefits to consuming organ meats – such as providing a good source of vitamin A and iron – there is a possible risk of food poisoning due to any bacteria that would usually be destroyed through the cooking process.Be that as it may, the wife of Spencer Pratt revealed in January she was consuming a diet including raw meat and filmed herself cutting up a slab of raw bison liver with scissors and sharing her hopes it’ll aid with her fertility.Clearly finding a love for the stuff, she then shared a clip of herself nibbling on bull testicles, as you do.Classic famous people.Speaking to People recently, Heidi – who is mum to four-year-old son Gunner – said she’d researched the ‘carnivore diet’ and wanted to give it a go.She said: ‘I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and a half, I’m willing to try different things. It’s a great source of nutrients! I have felt incredible on this diet.