Nadine Dorries: Last News


UK deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner responds to criticism after DJing and partying in Ibiza

Fisher at Hi Ibiza, dancing to a remix of Gotye’s ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’. While many people defended her, others, including former Conservative MP Nadine Dorries, criticised the UK’s Deputy Prime Minister.Dorries wrote an op-ed in the Daily Mail in response to the footage, saying: “How ill-judged of Angela, how utterly adolescent of her – to have thought it was a good idea to party like it’s 1999 when she’s the Deputy Prime Minister.”And now Rayner has defended herself, telling Sky News that she was on holiday.

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'Less likely' Monty Don issues warning over future of shows after BBC licence fee freeze
Gardeners' World presenter Monty Don has taken to Twitter to address the future of his BBC shows following the news that the BBC licence fee is set to be frozen at £159 for the next two years.The presenter of Monty Don's Adriatic Gardens, 66, explained that his shows are now "less likely" to be made in the face of the freeze after Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries announced the changes yesterday.In view of his 246,800 followers, the star explained what the licence fee freeze meant for the future of his programmes.Monty wrote: "Although there is a debate to be had over the extent and duration of the licence fee, the government freeze will save payers the grand sum of 15 pence per week over the coming year."However it will mean that programmes like Adriatic Gardens will be much less likely to be made," he warned his fans.Following the news, many of the horticulturalist's followers took to the comments to weigh in on the news.Jo Mirzoeff told the gardening star: "Adriatic Gardens is an absolute joy and worth the licence fee all on its own."While Jo and Sky Woodhouse commented: "I think that will be a tragedy and it’s the thin end of the wedge, it’s not just the wonderful tv, like your Adriatic series, but also the radio, think of Radio 4 for example."Joyce Jordan chipped in: "I would rather pay the licence fee than risk losing quality programmes like Adriatic Gardens."And many other shows I love on the BBC especially GW." (sic)Jo Barlow added: "Which is a tragedy as Adriatic Gardens is just a delight x."Joseph Wicks replied saying: "That would be a great shame. Loving Adriatic gardens and all the BBC does.
'More North Korean' Gary Lineker fumes over MP call for BBC to play national anthem daily
Gary Lineker, 61, took to Twitter earlier today to fume at a politician’s plan to play the national anthem daily on the BBC.The star reacted to this in view of his 8.2 million followers, sparking a divide from his fans.This comes after Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell asked how the BBC can be requested to do this at the end of each day.In response, Nadine Dorries has called the request a “fantastic question,” according to journalist Adam Bienkov.Responding to his tweet on his Twitter feed, Gary called the move “North Korean”.He wrote: “Yeah, let’s be less British and more North Korean.”The football commentator ended his tweet with a fist pump emoji.MP Andrew represents Romford and suggested all UK broadcasters should play God Save The Queen.Speaking in the Commons earlier today, he said: “I know that the minister will agree that the singing of the national anthem is something that provides great sense of unity and pride in our nation.“And so in this year of the Queen’s platinum jubilee will the minister take steps to encourage public broadcasters to play the national anthem and ensure that the BBC restore it at the end of the day’s programming before it switches to News 24?”Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Nadine Dorries then replied: “Fantastic question”.Nigel Huddleston is also reported to have responded: “We fully support the singing of the national anthem, Her Majesty the Queen, and other expressions of patriotism, including the flying of the Union Jack.“The more that we hear the national anthem sung frankly the better.“Of course organisations like schools are free to promote it, and the more we can do in this area, the better it will be.”Following Gary’s tweet on the subject, many of his