city Charlotte, county Hawkins: Last News


GMB's Charlotte Hawkins halts show for 'breaking news' announcement

On Friday's episode of Good Morning Britain, Charlotte Hawkins kicked off her news segment with some "breaking news".T he ITV star informed viewers: "Good morning and starting with some breaking news." She continued: "The UK's recovery from recession has been stronger than previously thought.The Office of National Statistics has issued revised growth figures for the first quarter and says that GDP rose by 0.7 percent between January and March ant not at six percent as it had originally estimated." The GMB X account also posted a snippet of Charlotte's announcement on social media, captioning it: "BREAKING NEWS." It then reiterated what Charlotte had said on the show. Fans quickly took to the comments section on social media, with one saying: "Good - but not great," reports the Mirror. Another chimed in: "That's bigging up a 0.1% difference a bit too much there." A third commented: "Now none of us trust ONS.That's not right.

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