Emmerdale's James Chase, known for his role as the malicious Tom King, has been drawing considerable attention on the popular ITV soap, particularly through a coercive control storyline involving his character and Belle Dingle, portrayed by Eden Taylor-Draper.
In forthcoming episodes, Emmerdale fans can expect a special hour-long, stylised episode that will lay bare the domestic abuse Belle is enduring from her wicked spouse Tom, set to air on Thursday.
Nonetheless, away from the drama of the Dales, actor James Chase shares little resemblance with the sinister Tom. Off-screen, James has taken to Instagram to offer followers a glimpse into his life beyond the filming sets.
He recently posted a series of behind-the-scenes images from this year's tense Wales episode where Tom's manipulative actions escalate, confining Belle in a remote cottage a scene she luckily manages to flee from with her dog Piper.
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