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Gay TikToker’s Parents Hired An Exorcist To Save Him
Andrew Hartzler, the nephew of anti-LGBTQ Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, has once again gone viral for sharing a video of his parents hiring an exorcist to “exorcize the demons” they believe were “responsible” for “making him gay.” Hartzler first went viral in the summer of 2022 after posting a video of his aunt Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler crying after opposing the Respect for Marriage Act of 2022.The Respect for Marriage Act requires states to recognize same-sex marriages made in other states and repeals the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as only between a man and a woman.Using Biblical values as the basis for her argument, the Congresswoman tearfully begged for the bill not to pass.After the bill passed, Andrew Hartzler posted a response to his aunt, pointing out how this kind of speech is “hateful rhetoric and blatant discrimination” against LGBTQ people.Hartlzer went through his aunt’s speech, highlighting her leaps in logic and fundamental ignorance about religion, the government, and LGBTQ people. When the Respect for Marriage Act came to President Biden’s desk, Andrew Hartzler was invited to the signing ceremony on December 13, 2022. Hartzler has since worked at Oklahomans for Equality, an Oklahoma-based LGBTQ advocacy group that operates the Dennis R.