politics: Last News


Donald Trump loses legal battle over using Eddy Grant’s ‘Electric Avenue’ without permission

Donald Trump has lost a legal battle over using Eddy Grant‘s song ‘Electric Avenue’ without permission.Trump used a 40-second clip of the song in a video during his 2020 presidential campaign. The video was viewed 13.7 million times before Twitter, now known as X, took it down.A federal judge in Manhattan ruled that Trump breached Grant’s copyright for his 1983 hit and now is liable for damages as well as payment of the singer’s legal fees.Trump’s lawyers argued that the Twitter video was shielded under copyright’s fair use doctrine, which allows for the use of protected works in certain situations.

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Tucker Carlson Serves Up 12-Minute Long Homophobic Hate-Filled Rant Attacking Pete Buttigieg Over ‘Equity’
Fox News is the most-watch cable “news” channel in America, and Tucker Carlson hosts the network’s most-watched show. Those are facts, and disturbing ones for the majority of Americans who do not watch the far right-wing extremist channel or its top personality.Take, for instance, Carlson’s attack on Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Thursday night, a 12-minute long homophobic, hate-filled rant with a focus on attacking the very core of Democratic and progressive ideals: the belief that everyone is equal and everyone deserves a chance at the American dream, and government is a means to help achieve those goals, goals literally written in the Declaration of Independence.“Tucker Carlson brutally mocked Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg as an unqualified ‘kid’ who ‘breastfeeds, and has no business running the agency,” Mediaite reports.Not the first time Carlson has attacked Buttigieg – and by extension, every LGBTQ person – for having children, being a responsible and loving parent who took time off from work, time off that is granted under federal law, to care for his newborn twins with his husband.To Carlson, Buttigieg was chosen by the President of the United States only because he is gay, as part of some Democratic master plan to diminish or eradicate straight white men.“Today the Transportation Department which is now run by Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, finally told us,” Carlson told his right-wing viewers, “effective immediately we learned this country will undergo a quote, paradigm shift in the way we think about infrastructure.
Matt Gaetz Casually Throws in a Homophobic Slur During Interview With Steve Bannon (Video)
U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) used a homophobic slur in an interview with former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon while supporting Newt Gingrich’s attack on Democrats.Gingrich promised Republicans will throw members of the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack in jail, after a week of multiple bombshell revelations culminating with House investigators receiving a massive number of Trump White House documents the former president tried for months to block.“Newt’s right, we are going to take power,” said Gaetz, who reportedly is under DOJ investigation for alleged child sex trafficking, having sex with an under-aged teen, and obstruction of justice.“And when we do, it’s not going to be the days of Paul Ryan and Trey Gowdy, where the Republicans go limp-wristed where they lose their backbone and fail to send a single subpoena,” the Florida Republican Congressman said, throwing in a homophobic slur that is used to depict weakness.“No, it’s going to be the days of Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene and you know what, we’re going to get answers, real answers about what happened in the election,” he said, before continuing to spin far right-wing conspiracy theories.“Answers about the Wuhan Institute of Virology and certainly answers about a Department of Justice and a national security apparatus that has gone totally off the rails,” he claimed.