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Queen had royal documentary banned after feeling it was 'cheapening' the Royal Family
BBC in 1969 was so hated by the Queen that Her Majesty never wanted it aired again – because she felt it “cheapened” the Royal Family.The Queen ordered the 110-minute documentary, titled Royal Family, to be locked away, but it was secretly leaked onto Youtube in 2019.Viewers who managed to see the footage before it was deleted, saw a young Prince Charles go topless and the Royal Family eating breakfast from tupperware.The fly-on-the-wall documentary also captured the moment the Queen called a US ambassador a "gorilla".Instead of showing the glamour and elegance we see today from royalty, the documentary gave a more unguided glimpse into the Royal Family's life.For the first time, the public was given a real insight into how the family acts away from the spotlight.However, Buckingham Palace believed the documentary “cheapens the Royal Family”, according to the Mail.Speaking about the filmto the BBC, producer Richard Cawston said "until we made this film, I really believe that none of them had ever spoken into a microphone anything which had not been carefully prepared."Scenes from the documentary included the family enjoying a barbecue together and debunking a theory that the queen never carries cash, as she bought an ice lolly at the shops for a young Prince Edward.At the time of its release it was viewed by 45 million and was just before Charles' investiture as the Prince of Wales.However, despite the public reaction, it did not go down well with Buckingham Palace despite them being pleased with the final cut.According to the Mail, the one thing that Prince Philip asked to change was when a young Edward was about to cry after the string on Charles's cello had snapped and hit him in the face, but the Queen thought the