David Sherborne: Last News


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Rebekah Vardy's future 'in tatters' after ‘complete disaster’ Wagatha trial, claims PR
Express.co.uk has contacted Rebekah's representative for comment.The PR agent claims her behaviour in the past will make it difficult for her to become as successful as she was before, after appearing on hit reality shows including I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! and Dancing On Ice.“But the truth is, it’s going to be very difficult for her to claw back because of how badly she’s come across,” he surmised to Closer magazine.In court documents released after the final day of the trial, Rebekah claimed she had lost work due to the accusation that she had leaked stories about Coleen to the tabloids, revealing she had missed out on a book deal as well as a brand endorsement deal.She was also labelled a "highly unreliable witness",  by Coleen's lawyer on the final day of the libel trial.David Sherborne, representing Coleen, claimed Rebekah lied under oath and deleted evidence.He said she had given "implausible, throwaway explanations" and was "lacking in candour"."We say Mrs Vardy was a highly unreliable witness and her evidence should be treated with caution," he continued.Mr Sherborne added that the case was "extraordinary" because of the "tenacity" of Rebekah in "backtracking on her admissions of leaks" and the "documentary evidence that flatly contradicts" her account.He also spoke about "the extent to which it plainly demonstrates her consistent practice of secretly leaking information to the press".The lawyer told Mrs Justice Steyn that the loss of "crucial" documents by Mrs Vardy was deliberate, adding: "The only plausible explanation is manual deletion by the claimant herself."Rebekah walked out of the court during Mr Sherborne's comments.Coleen and her husband, ex-footballer Wayne Rooney, did not attend the court
Rebekah Vardy walks out of court as Coleen's lawyer claims she 'destroyed evidence'
Rebekah Vardy has walked out of the Wagatha Christie High Court case after Coleen Rooney's lawyer claimed she'd "destroyed evidence".The 40-year-old wife of football star Jamie Vardy left after Coleen's legal representative David Sherborne accused her of "lying under oath" about missing WhatsApp messages.Mr Sherborne said to the Court room that he was stunned this case had got this far in the process. He outlined that in his opinion, Rebekah had no more than a "slither of a case" as he said that her case "shrunk to almost nothing" after recent revelations.Coleen's lawyer said that Mrs Justice Steyn now had to rule on two key things - whether Wayne's wife's post was "substantially true" and if her statement was in the "public interest".Mr Sherborne also made apologies on behalf of his clients - Wayne and Coleen - for not being present for the closing speeches.Their absence was explained as a "long standing travel arrangement with their four children" which had been agreed with their legal representatives, with the view the trial would have ended on Wednesday, May 18.Speaking on behalf of Coleen and Wayne, Mr Sherborne told the court room that famous pair "did not want to go for a trial".He added: "We say what Mrs Rooney said in her post was true.