Carole Radziwill: Last News


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Carole Radziwill details harrowing visit to Poland to help Ukrainian refugees
Former Real Housewife of New York Carole Radziwill exclusively sat down with DailyMailTV to discuss her important recent work withUkrainian refugee relief.Roughly a week after Russian forces invaded Ukraine, Radziwill traveled to Korczowa, Poland and spent two days at the border documenting her experience there with the thousands of refugees pouring into the country.Carole, anINTERSOS ambassador, worked with the global humanitarian organization as it set up centers for those seeking shelter and safety from Russian shelling, as well as 'triage at the border.' Stepping up: Former Real Housewife of New York Carole Radziwill exclusively sat down with DailyMailTV to discuss her important recent work with Ukrainian refugee relief Radziwill had been on a luxury vacation in Paris, France, with family and friends when Russian forces forces first breached the border in Ukraine.'Like everyone around the world watching the news, I'm praying and I just felt like it was strange to be in Paris and feeling completely helpless,' she recalled. Carole had already been partnered with INTERSOS so she hopped on a plane to Krakow, got a car and a translator and headed toKorczowa, just three miles from the border with Ukraine where 6,000 refugees were coming per day.'They are small, so they're very nimble so they can get into areas quickly and set up,' she said of the non-profit.'They go in and they have a whole organization, they set up the clinic in the refugee processing center.' 'To witness that and be there and be able to tell that story when I came back and on my social platform was what was important for me,' she said.