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Selena Gomez showing off her stomach is more groundbreaking than it sounds
supports HTML5 videoWho would have thought a tummy – Selena Gomez’s no less – could be the catalyst to saving us all from ourselves?Ok, I may be getting ahead of myself, but the actress and singer has whipped people up into quite the frenzy after declaring, with meme backing, as she is wont to do, ‘real stomachs is coming the f**k back, ok?’In a TikTok this week, Selena was seen reclining on a boat (#richpeople am I right?) in a one-piece and rubbing her tummy while insisting she’s ‘not sucking s**t in’.While I’m usually resistant to celebrating such a thing as ‘woman simply exists’, the comments from her followers have got me thinking.‘You make me feel comfortable in my own skin,’ one proclaimed, while others mused of the ‘refreshing’ nature of her body positivity.If more celebrities and influencers took a leaf out of Selena’s book of body positivity, I’d go so far as to say there would be no such thing as ‘body positivity’ – everyone would be thriving in their own skin without making a thing about it.Yes that sounds very pie-in-the-sky thinking, but we’re dealt with an influx of filtered and fabricated physiques that have employed more special effects than a Marvel film, which makes it impossible to know what is real or not on our timelines anymore.And as much as activists are turning the tide in their own circles, it’s gonna take someone like Selena – who breaks through the echo chamber with her 42.5million followers on TikTok, after once boasting the most followers on Instagram before Cristiano Ronaldo and his 473million ran onto the pitch and nabbed that trophy – to shift the message.As one responded to her clip, ‘you don’t realise how much this video helps us young women’ and, scepticism back in its box, by job I
Teen who escaped 'house of horrors' after years of abuse suffers fresh 'trauma'
Jordan Turpin is finally free – and now she’s become a TikTok star.But not before she suffered another round of horrifying abuse, this time from her foster parents and their daughter.She has recently opened up about how the system failed her and five of her siblings when they placed her in an abusive home after they fleed years of torture.READ MORE: ‘I was raped by my father for 12 years – I thought he was going to kill me’You may recognise the courageous 21-year-old American woman as her harrowing escape from the "House of Horrors" captivated the world in 2018.For 17 years, Jordan and her 12 brothers and sisters – who ranged from two to 29 at the time of their rescue — endured extreme abuse at the hands of their parents, David and Louise Turpin.David and Louise were Pentecostal Christians who believed God had called upon them to produce as many children as possible.They only gave each of their 13 children one meal per day, one shower per year, and bullied, beat, and strangled them frequently. The children were also regularly tied up with chains for defying their parent's strict rules.Each child was extremely pale and malnourished and they were banned from using the bathroom, instead, they were forced to smear their faeces on the carpet.Adding to the horror, the family home was filled with dead pets, rotting trash and expired food.
Parliament shuts down its TikTok account after concerns over platform's links to China
TikTok account has been unceremoniously shut down after MPs complained about the social media platform's links to China.The app, which is owned by Chinese parent firm ByteDance, was to be used as a way to engage young people with politics.However, MPs have raised serious concerns about user data being sent to Beijing.READ MORE: What does 'zesty' mean on TikTok? Sexual meaning explained as word goes viralThe tension between China and Parliament has heated up following Westminister banning Chinese company Huawei from involvement in the UK’s 5G network as well as China sanctioning several MPs for criticising the nation's treatment of the Uighur Muslim minority group.A UK Parliament spokesperson said: "Based on Member feedback, we are closing the pilot UK Parliament TikTok account earlier than we had planned."The account was a pilot initiative while we tested the platform as a way of reaching younger audiences with relevant content about Parliament."A group of senior Conservative MPs including the likes of Tom Tugendhat, Nus Ghani and former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, all complained about the short-lived TikTok account in a letter that was sent to the Speakers of the Commons and the Lords.The very same MPs who established their concern about the platform were also the ones who spoke out against human rights abuses as Duncan Smith praised the government for their decision to shut down the account.To stay up to date with all the latest news, make sure you sign up to one of our newsletters here.He said: "We are pleased that Parliament, immediately they were told, understood there was a problem and shut it down."It's important for others to look at that now and we need to start talking to people about not using