Lake Victoria: Last News


ANTI-MASS isn’t letting the world forget Uganda’s queer community

Indigenous legend says Lake Victoria is a magical place, inhabited by powerful spiritual beings. Both feared and revered in pre-colonial Uganda, these demi-gods would commune with trans and pangender shamans, who are said to embody the divine masculine and feminine energies of the lake.

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Google Maps user left terrified after spotting 'murder scene and disturbing messages'
Tanzania could be the site of a mysterious murder found on Google Maps.Users on online forum Reddit stumbled across the horrific site on Irugwa Island, in Tanzania's Lake Victoria.The island itself has no roads or way of a Google street view camera visiting it, but if you use the street view orange man on the far left end of the island, you find yourself transported to a grizzly site.What seems to be a narrow hallway of some kind of industrial building, you'll find a man apparently lying dead covered in blood on the floor, with blood splattered across the walls.There are two doors either site – numbered 549 and 538.Behind you is another door with the words “you trusted the wrong guy” on it, and on the wall next to that it says “you're too late, turn back now”.The words have been added to the scene as graphics, while the other end of the hallway features another graphic of a strange computer-generated figure holding a knife.However, there is a human shadow behind that, which makes the image very creepy.The Reddit user who found it, YoIzIllmatic, wrote: “Was on the phone with a friend last night and casually scrolling through Google Maps when I stumbled upon this.To stay up to date with all the latest news, make sure you sign up for one of our newsletters here.“Genuinely thought I was seeing things at first, but nope, it's all real, complete with writing on the wall that states the following: 'You're too late. Turn back now.', 'You trusted the wrong guy.' and 'Liar.