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Swifties for Trump are being bashed, bullied by lefty fans who say singer would ‘hate’ them

Trump’s Truth Social post, said she was criticized after posting a TikTok video about the Swifties for Trump movement, which she is now the face of. “I got literally thousands of comments telling me Taylor would hate me, telling me I’m a betrayer, I’m a traitor,” she told The Post.“But I also got some backlash from conservatives as well. Because they know Taylor Swift is liberal and a lot of them don’t like the message that she gives to young girls.” Piwowarczyk, 19, whose TikTok post got 216,000 views, said the Swifties for Trump movement gained momentum after Trump’s post, which garnered 10,100 likes from some of his 7.63 million followers.“He posted two pictures of me wearing my Swifties for Trump shirt,” said the political science major at Concordia University in Mequon, WI.

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This TikTok star is reclaiming the term ‘bimbo’
Glamour and described the term “bimbo” as being a person who wants to “celebrate and appreciate their own hyper-femininity, which they express in their own, special way.”She continued that the Gen-Z bimbo also “does not allow misogynistic standpoints of femininity get in the way of you being f***ing amazing and incredible.” However, it hasn’t gone down too well with everyone due to the term’s sexist history – something which Chrissy is very aware of.“In the past, the word ‘bimbo’ has been used to put down women – to see them as one-dimensional,” she admitted.She went onto note how the term has previously been used to refer to women in relation to their body and nothing else.But Chrissy, who has an impressive 4.2 million followers on TikTok, has responded to trolls who have slammed her for reclaiming the term “bimbo.”In a short clip posted on social media, she explains: “A modern-day bimbo doesn’t need to know ‘what a mortgage is’ or ‘how to file taxes.’“But we do know it’s time to let go those who are in prison for marijuana charges when the states that they’re in have decriminalized marijuana.“And we also know that capitalism is the root of all evil, but it’s almost impossible to consume ethically in a capitalist society, so let’s stop blaming each other.”  The post has received over 397,000 likes, with very mixed reviews.“We literally grew up on legally blonde.