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Stephen King Says Joe Biden Must Step Down; Rob Reiner Agrees: ‘It’s Time to Stop F—ing Around’ Because ‘We Lose Our Democracy’ If Trump Wins

Zack Sharf Digital News Director Rob Reiner and Stephen King have joined the growing chorus of Hollywood voices publicly urging Joe Biden to step down as the Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential election. The “All in the Family” actor and “Princess Bride” director posted a statement on X to his 2.3 million followers in which he said Biden’s exit is imperative considering democracy itself is at stake in this election. “It’s time to stop fucking around,” Reiner wrote.

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Jake Tapper's soft Hunter Biden question during Biden interview follows media's weak coverage of scandal
It is rare for any journalist to land an interview with President Biden, who has been historically hidden from the press in comparison to his predecessors. With just weeks left of 2022, the president has only given four televised sit-downs this year, most recently with CNN anchor Jake Tapper.  Last week, The Washington Post reported that anonymous federal agents allege they have "sufficient evidence" to charge Biden's son Hunter with tax and gun crimes.  During his interview with the president, Tapper allotted just one question about his embattled son in light of the latest developments.  "Personally and politically, how do you react to that?" Tapper asked on Tuesday.  Biden responded by reiterating how "proud" he was of his son, who he stressed has overcome his drug addiction and acknowledged the allegation that Hunter falsely claimed he was not addicted to drugs on his gun purchase application.  Tapper failed to ask any follow-up questions like whether he would pardon his son if criminal charges were brought.The anchor didn't even touch the looming questions over Hunter Biden's foreign business ties that could implicate his father, avoiding concerns about whether the president was involved in any of his son's financial dealings and if he himself ever received kickbacks.There were also no inquiries about revelations that several of Hunter Biden's associates visited the Obama-Biden White House even after Biden claimed on the campaign trail that he never talked business with his son.