Royal Marine: Last News


Kate Silverton on her career switch after the BBC 'It's liberating being able to be me'

Kate Silverton apologises as soon as she dials into our call – her WiFi is “all over the place” and she’s surrounded by cardboard boxes.The former BBC newsreader and mum-of-two has just moved house and waved goodbye to her old life in London and although she tells us her new family home in the country is almost organised, chaos still reigns in the two places she calls her own – her bedroom and office.The move signalled the start of an exciting new chapter for Kate, 53, who recently swapped her TV presenting career to work as a child therapist and author of parenting advice books, and she’s enjoying every moment. “I said to myself, ‘I want to see trees outside of my window,’ and now I’ve got a garden for the first time and I can see trees and snowdrops out of the window, it’s amazing,” she says.

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