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Netflix confirms Love Is Blind UK reunion special with Emma and Matt Willis as hosts

Netflix has announced that a UK reunion episode of Love Is Blind will be aired following the conclusion of the season. The reality dating programme involves 30 single individuals seeking their future partners, going on a series of dates to determine who they wish to marry.

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The do's and don'ts of writing professional emails - with emojis a big no-no
More than a quarter of adults have landed themselves in hot water after sending an “unprofessional” email – with emojis considered a serious no-no, according to research.A survey of 2,000 professionals, who use emails for work, revealed the do's and don’ts when it comes to constructing a digital message.A fifth wouldn’t dream of using emojis, while three in ten hate “text speak” in an email.And one in ten will relax their tone of voice with co-workers within the first week of starting a new job.Nearly three-quarters (74%) are happy to take a more candid tone with clients, but when it comes to the “boss” just 57% would do the same.Unfortunately, of those who didn’t take appropriate cautions when emailing, many received an unhappy response – with 22% getting a telling-off from the boss, and one in ten having to write an apology.When asked about the worst thing they’ve ever sent or received over email, one respondent said they sent a fake resignation, while another delivered a message intended for their wife to the boss.Nicole Stevens, spokeswoman for Mailbird, which commissioned the research, said: “Self-awareness when drafting emails has never been more important, and recognising that tone can differ hugely from business to business and person to person.“It does appear there are some concrete things people don't like to receive over email, and things many wouldn't send.“But email, as with all language, evolves over time.