Borderlands fan has been able to play the “amazing” new game thanks to an online campaign.Last month, Caleb McAlpine reached out to the Borderlands community after being diagnosed with late stage four terminal cancer. “I am a die hard Borderlands fan and don’t know if I will be around for Borderlands 4.
Is there anyone that knows how to get in touch with developers Gearbox to see if there is a way to play the game early? Long shot but I thought I would try,” he wrote on Reddit.
A few days later, Borderlands boss Randy Pitchford confirmed they were doing everything possible to make it happen.Now, McApline has shared an update. “So Gearbox flew me and a friend down first class [earlier this month].
We got to tour the studio and meet an amazing bunch of people from some of the devs of all of the Borderlands games up to Randy the CEO.